Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 6b: Intro to FB strategy

I think I've planned a nice little group of posts to go up during October. I always felt that on days where there was nothing to promote or announce or whatever, it's always nice to maybe make a little joke or ask how your followers are doing. My post for 10/19 follows this strategy, because even if all I do is make someone laugh or smile, that's still a connection. It's also nice to feel like a business cares about more than the business at hand.

My 10/22 post makes an attempt to honor the staff who keep the place up and running, while also informing our followers how many games The Game Boys actually host. It's really cool when any business can make even the lowest guy on the totem pole feel important, and that appreciation rubs off on followers as well. Disneyland did a similar thing where they made little videos for YouTube showcasing each job at the park and someone who worked in that area, no matter how obscure or minor the job was. It really got across how much Disneyland appreciates their employees, plus the videos themselves were incredibly interesting.

Finally, the 10/27 and 10/31 posts focus on Halloween, with 10/27 hinting that The Game Boys might be planning something for Halloween. Sure enough, they do, and the excitement generated by the Thriller video post only helps the hype for the Halloween event.

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